

Jan 20 - Oct 20
Full Stack Developer

Single page web, and mobile app ecosystem to enhance productivity for construction workers in India through real time status updates, budget and inventory automation, and supplier + portfolio management.

Listening to Waves

Nov 19 - Aug 20
Front End Developer

Audio Visualisation Tools: Spectrogram, Oscilloscope, and Signal Generator, developed to promote science education in school children through music creation, and wave visualisation

Statistical Visual Computing Lab

Apr 19 - Jan 20
Full Stack Developer

Real-time plankton species inference pipeline, and associated data annotation tool developed for Marine Bio Researchers to collect data automatically, and detect abnormalities in plankton distrbutions

Aug 20 - Oct 20
Full Stack Developer

Alpha MVP for an online multiplayer video chat platform for in browser gaming with friends, and strangers from different colleges.


Oct 18 - Apr 19
Solo Freelance Project

News media platform to cater to the Ultimate Frisbee community of India, and contribute to the sports outreach, and development


Jan 19 - Mar 19
Interaction Design Class Project

A mobile only web application for counting distractions aimed to assist with mindful practice, and productivity through tracking distractions